Holiday Hours for Labor Day 2024

Our office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day.

Our weekend emergency support number will be monitored on Monday from 9 AM until 6 PM (Central) for critical issues, such as an inability to perform sales, accept credit cards, or burn discs. That number is (325) 690-5599. Leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible. Non-emergency calls will be returned during normal business hours on Tuesday, September 3rd.

We hope you have a blessed Labor Day weekend!

Your BSM Support Team
201 Fannin St., Abilene, TX 79603 | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)

Remember you can use  SPT  at “Enter Program Name” to put your support request directly on our support docket.

Unlock More with BSM: Enhance Your Store’s Potential

At BSM, we’re committed to helping you maximize the impact of your bookstore. We want to showcase how you can do even more with the tools and services you already have, along with a few new options designed to streamline your operations and enhance customer engagement.

Here’s how you can elevate your bookstore with BSM:

  1. Email Marketing Made Easy: Create and send engaging emails in under 2 minutes to drive traffic to your store. It’s a simple way to stay connected with your customers and boost sales. Check out this quick demo to see how it works!
  2. Auto-Responders with Bounce-Back Coupons: Automatically send a welcome email to new customers added to your mailing list, along with a bounce-back coupon to encourage them to return to your store. It’s a great way to start building a strong relationship from the very beginning.
  3. BSM Website Integration: Add a BSM website that seamlessly syncs with your store’s inventory. We create your pre-built website that is ready to go, ensuring accurate, real-time updates for your customers.
  4. Mobile Checkout with Surface Pro: Enhance your in-store experience by adding a Surface Pro tablet for mobile checkout. Move around the store, assist customers more effectively, and provide a personalized shopping experience.
  5. qScan Mobile Inventory App: Streamline your inventory management with our qScan mobile inventory app, an add-on service that works with your iPhone or iPad to handle inventory counting efficiently. It’s a powerful tool for keeping a close eye on stock levels and returns.
  6. Remote POS for Pop-Up Sales: Take your store on the road with our Remote POS solution, perfect for book tables or sidewalk sales. Stay connected and sell anywhere.
  7. Cost-Effective Custom Gift Cards: Offer your customers personalized gift cards with cost-effective options tailored to your store’s branding. Gift cards are a great way to increase sales and attract new customers.
  8. Munce and Parable Store Catalog Pricing: If you are a Munce or Parable store, make sure you’re taking advantage of our auto catalog pricing feature. This feature automatically sets all pricing and sale dates to match the catalogs your customers are receiving, ensuring consistency and ease of management.
  9. Membership Program Management: Create a membership program for your store, and let us handle all the membership cards, onboarding, mailing, and renewals. It’s a great way to build customer loyalty and create a community around your store.
  10. Best Seller Program: Our Best Seller Program provides a breakdown of the nation’s best sellers by category. Compare your inventory to these best sellers and see what you might be missing out on.

We’re here to help you make the most of your BSM system. If you’re interested in learning more about any of these services or setting them up, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s work together to take your bookstore to the next level!

Steven Ammons | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)

Did We Miss You at the Show? Don’t Miss Our Special Offers!

We hope you had a wonderful time at the Christian Product Expo (CPE) in Fort Wayne, IN! If we missed you at the show, don’t worry – you can still take advantage of our exclusive show specials.

Exclusive Show and Post-Show Offers:

  • $1,000 Off Bookstore Manager Software (BSM): Save big on the leading solution for Christian retail needs. This promotion ends August 30th, so act fast to upgrade your bookstore’s efficiency and customer service.
  • Free Website Setup: Enhance your online presence with a professional website for your bookstore. We’re waiving the setup fee, and you’ll only need to pay the hosting fee of $119 per month, or $75 per month if you have BSM.

Why Choose BSM?

  • Intuitive Point of Sale (POS): Enjoy a seamless checkout process with our user-friendly POS system, which accommodates various payment methods. Speed up transactions and enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Sales and Customer Excellence: Gain insights into customer preferences and buying patterns. Our customizable customer profiles and loyalty programs enhance the shopping experience, creating lasting connections with your clientele.
  • Comprehensive Inventory Management: Effortlessly manage your entire inventory, from the latest bestsellers to your curated selection of gifts. Receive low inventory alerts and automate reordering to keep your shelves stocked.
  • Robust Reporting and Analytics: Make informed decisions with detailed reporting and analytics. Track sales performance, identify trends, and optimize your offerings for a delightful shopping experience.
  • Seamless Integration: Bookstore Manager Software seamlessly integrates with all areas of your bookstore, including website management, creating a cohesive ecosystem for your operations. Enhance overall efficiency and reduce manual workload.
  • Dedicated Support: Our dedicated support team is committed to ensuring your success. Whether you have inquiries, issues, or specific customization needs, we are here to provide prompt and reliable assistance.

Want to see a website in action? Check out some of our existing sites:

Don’t miss out on these fantastic opportunities to enhance your bookstore’s operations and online presence. Contact us today to learn more and take advantage of our post-show specials.

Steven Ammons | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)