NOTE: If you are not using QBS to create burn-on-demand products for your customers, you can ignore this email message.
As you may have heard, the MSRP for Daywind Soundtracks is increasing from $8.98 to $9.98. This necessitates an increase of the MSRP in QBS for Daywind Soundtracks.
The MSRP for Daywind Soundtracks in QBS has been set to $9.88 to help you cover your material costs (blank CDs, jewel cases, liners, etc). The MSRP will be automatically increased to $10.98 to continue helping you cover your material costs related to these burn-on-demand items.
As always, you can further adjust the selling price (shown in IVDI and used by POS) by changing the value in the “Markup” column on the “Product Lines” screen (scroll down to product line 0000000038 for “Daywind Soundtracks”).
The MSRP increase is being implemented by the QBS program. This change was pushed out to all version 9 stores as part of their weekly update and sent as a critical update to stores on version 8.11.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)