Filling Out the Security Metrics SAQ

SecurityMetrics Filling Out Security Metrics SAQoffers a simplified explanation of the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). When you start your questionnaire a video can be found alongside the questions in each section. By playing the video each section is explained in easy to understand language and an option is available to confirm your agreement. Upon confirming, all questions in that section will be answered with a single click. Click here to read the document “Filling Out Security Metrics SAQ”.

If you need help from SecurityMetrics and wish to contact them directly be sure you mention that you are a Bookstore Manager Software user. This eliminates any confusion and will help them assist you more thoroughly. You will not need to make any payment to SecurityMetrics directly. All invoicing is done through Bookstore Manager.

If you haven’t had a chance to, you can still enroll at

Your BSMGR Sales Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 1)


P.S. If you missed any of our FAQ series last week, you can read them (1 of 4) here, (2 of 4) here, (3 of 4) here, and (4 of 4) here.


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