New Rounding Up for Charity Feature

Sometimes it’s the small things that make a difference. And, we can watch them build over time.

After all the years we’ve been partnering with you to provide the technology to help your ministry increase its impact on your community, you might think there’s nothing else we could add. However, we still have opportunities to make BSMGR a little better!

One example is the new “round-up” for charity feature in version 9. You can now automate the process of collecting small amounts to help the ministry of your choice (whether that’s your store, an upcoming mission trip, local benevolence, or anything else).

If you didn’t already get a chance to watch it, check out yesterday’s Wake Up Wednesday.

In this short (13 minute) video, Jon and Steven share more about this latest small improvement that could save you time and increase donations!

If you have automatic updates enabled for version 9, you should already have the new feature. To enable it…

  1. Go to SYS | Config | Misc. Configurations | #4073.
  2. Enter a “Y” in the first field; and
  3. Enter the department you want to use for donations in the second field.
  4. If you haven’t been accepting donations through BSMGR before using a manual approach, you need to set up your selected department for donations.
    1. Go to SYS | Config | POS Depts | Department Setup
    2. Scroll down to and select the department number you want to use for donations
    3. The “Description” field will show on the receipt, so you should enter something obvious like “Donations”. We recommend you avoid something generic like “Missions” since that could easily be confused with a product department in your store.
    4. Enter a “0” in the “Taxable” field for non-taxable donations
    5. For the “Misc” field, you may want to enter an “X” so the donations don’t count towards instore coupons (or leave the field blank if you want to allow that)
    6. Enter any other pertinent information (like G/L)

To test it, ring up a test item in POS (like 1 <F2> for a 1 penny sale in department 2), then go to the subtotal screen and select cash. You should be prompted to “round up” the transaction by $0.99. The default button is “No” (to help frontliners not accidentally apply a donation. If you click “Yes”, you will be back at the subtotal screen with a new total of $1.00. If you click “No”, the transaction will continue with the payment selected and no change to the total.

Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)
Remember you can use SPT to put your support request directly on our support docket.

Bookstore Manager, Inc.
201 Fannin St.
Abilene, TX 79603

Munce 2021 Fall Catalog Files

NOTE: If you are not sending the Munce 2021 Fall Catalog, you can ignore this message.

If you are sending the Munce 2021 Fall Catalog, please download and process the data file that will prepare your inventory.

  1. Get the current Munce catalog files….
    • Version 8.11 (and earlier) – You can download the Zipped catalog data files by clicking here.
      When the download completes, open the Zip file and extract/copy the files to your BOOK folder.
    • Version 9.00 – At Enter Program Name, enter “SCHEDULE” and click the “Check for Regular Updates Now” button, then click the “Start” button. This will download the current database files and new Munce catalog files. (If this feature has not been disabled in SCHEDULE, you should automatically get the files when your weekly cloud update runs tonight. And, if you are already up-to-date, that means the files have already been downloaded for you.)
  2. In BSMGR, run “IVPROMO” at the Enter Program Name prompt.
  3. At the “Enter File Name” prompt, type the file name that matches which one you are sending out (see below), then click the OK button.
  4. If you selected a flexible date file, you will be prompted for the start and end dates of the sale.
  5. Any products that are in the catalog and not in your inventory will open the IVM “Add” screen. Add the missing product(s) to your inventory. The catalog’s promo code, start date, end date, and sale price will be set for all the products in the catalog.
  6. If IVPROMO doesn’t do anything, make sure you copied/extracted the files from the current file to your BOOK folder.

Current file names to choose from for the IVPROMO program…

  • M-SEP-R.TXT = Fall Catalog (Regular)
    (30-Aug-2021 thru 2-Oct-2021)
  • M-SEP-RF.TXT = Fall Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-SEP-C.TXT = Fall Catalog (Conservative)
    (30-Aug-2021 thru 2-Oct-2021)
  • M-SEP-CF.TXT = Fall Catalog (Conservative/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-AUG-R.TXT = “Back to Basics” Catalog (Regular)
    (26-Jul-2021 thru 28-Aug-2021)
  • M-AUG-RF.TXT = “Back to Basics” Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)

If you have any problems downloading the file or getting the file to process from within IVPROMO, please let us know.

Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)

RMS Version 8.11K Program Changes on the 3rd Quarter 2021 Update

The quarterly update disc you receive from BSMGR for RMS contains a current copy of the Christian Books & More® database, new images, music samples, and program changes. Remember to run IVDC after installing your update to reflect retail price changes for your store’s inventory items. When that program completes, you can use IVL to print labels with the new prices. For your convenience, the RMS program changes included with this update are listed below.

The price files for currently active Munce sales catalogs are included on this update.

If you are sending out one of these Munce catalogs to your customers, you can run “IVPROMO” in BSMGR and enter the appropriate file name.

Remember you can download the current Munce catalog price files by clicking the link below and extract the files into your BOOK folder.

As a reminder, the program will check your inventory file for the following:

  • If you are missing products from the catalog, the program will prompt you to add them, pulling basic information (title, author, retail, etc.) from the Christian Books & More database.
  • Once missing products have been added to your inventory file, the program will set up the following for all the products in the catalog file:
    » Sale price; » Sale start date; » Sale end date; » Promo code.

Enhancements and Changes for 8.11

CONVARHI • Fixed A/R invoice history not converting to version 9.0 when the file had junk.
IVO • The dropship screen displayed the wrong screen when changing vendors.
RACCOON • Changed from GoDaddy hosted location to BSM hosted files.
TV • Updated for TeamViewer 15 download link.

Please contact us if you experience problems installing your update.

Remember, you can view program enhancements and fixes as well as other emailed communications from Bookstore Manager at

For your convenience, you can click here to view a current copy of the End-User License Agreement with the current maintenance fees and warranty information.

Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)

Munce 2021 Back to Basics Catalog

NOTE: If you are not sending the Munce 2021 Back to Basics Catalog, you can ignore this message.

If you are sending the Munce 2021 Back to Basics Catalog, please download and process the data file that will prepare your inventory.

  1. Get the current Munce catalog files….
    • Version 8.11 (and earlier) – You can download the Zipped catalog data files by clicking here.
      When the download completes, open the Zip file and extract/copy the files to your BOOK folder.
    • Version 9.00 – At Enter Program Name, enter “SCHEDULE” and click the “Check for Regular Updates Now” button, then click the “Start” button. This will download the current database files and new Munce catalog files. (If this feature has not been disabled in SCHEDULE, you should automatically get the files when your weekly cloud update runs tonight. And, if you are already up-to-date, that means the files have already been downloaded for you.)
  2. In BSMGR, run “IVPROMO” at the Enter Program Name prompt.
  3. At the “Enter File Name” prompt, type the file name that matches which one you are sending out (see below), then click the OK button.
  4. If you selected a flexible date file, you will be prompted for the start and end dates of the sale.
  5. Any products that are in the catalog and not in your inventory will open the IVM “Add” screen. Add the missing product(s) to your inventory. The catalog’s promo code, start date, end date, and sale price will be set for all the products in the catalog.
  6. If IVPROMO doesn’t do anything, make sure you copied/extracted the files from the current file to your BOOK folder.

Current file names to choose from for the IVPROMO program…

  • M-AUG-R.TXT = “Back to Basics” Catalog (Regular)
    (26-Jul-2021 thru 28-Aug-2021)
  • M-AUG-RF.TXT = “Back to Basics” Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-JUL-R.TXT = “Beat the Heat” Catalog (Regular)
    (28-Jun-2021 thru 24-Jul-2021)
  • M-JUL-RF.TXT = “Beat the Heat” Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)

If you have any problems downloading the file or getting the file to process from within IVPROMO, please let us know.

Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)

Munce 2021 Beat the Heat Catalog Files

NOTE: If you are not sending the Munce 2021 Beat the Heat Catalog, you can ignore this message.

If you are sending the Munce 2021 Beat the Heat Catalog, please download and process the data file that will prepare your inventory.

  1. Get the current Munce catalog files….
    • Version 8.11 (and earlier) – You can download the Zipped catalog data files by clicking here.
      When the download completes, open the Zip file and extract/copy the files to your BOOK folder.
    • Version 9.00 – At Enter Program Name, enter “SCHEDULE” and click the “Check for Regular Updates Now” button, then click the “Start” button. This will download the current database files and new Munce catalog files. (If this feature has not been disabled in SCHEDULE, you should automatically get the files when your weekly cloud update runs tonight. And, if you are already up-to-date, that means the files have already been downloaded for you.)
  2. In BSMGR, run “IVPROMO” at the Enter Program Name prompt.
  3. At the “Enter File Name” prompt, type the file name that matches which one you are sending out (see below), then click the OK button.
  4. If you selected a flexible date file, you will be prompted for the start and end dates of the sale.
  5. Any products that are in the catalog and not in your inventory will open the IVM “Add” screen. Add the missing product(s) to your inventory. The catalog’s promo code, start date, end date, and sale price will be set for all the products in the catalog.
  6. If IVPROMO doesn’t do anything, make sure you copied/extracted the files from the current file to your BOOK folder.

Current file names to choose from for the IVPROMO program…

  • M-JUL-R.TXT = “Beat the Heat” Catalog (Regular)
    (28-Jun-2021 thru 24-Jul-2021)
  • M-JUL-RF.TXT = “Beat the Heat” Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-JUN-R.TXT = Summer Catalog (Regular)
    (24-May-2021 thru 26-Jun-2021)
  • M-JUN-RF.TXT = Summer Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)

If you have any problems downloading the file or getting the file to process from within IVPROMO, please let us know.

Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)

Munce 2021 Summer Catalog Files

NOTE: If you are not sending the Munce 2021 Summer Catalog, you can ignore this message.

If you are sending the Munce 2021 Summer Catalog, please download and process the data file that will prepare your inventory.

  1. Get the current Munce catalog files….
    • Version 8.11 (and earlier) – You can download the Zipped catalog data files by clicking here.
      When the download completes, open the Zip file and extract/copy the files to your BOOK folder.
    • Version 9.00 – At Enter Program Name, enter “SCHEDULE” and click the “Check for Regular Updates Now” button, then click the “Start” button. This will download the current database files and new Munce catalog files. (If this feature has not been disabled in SCHEDULE, you should automatically get the files tonight. And, if you are already up-to-date, that means the files have already been downloaded for you.)
  2. In BSMGR, run “IVPROMO” at the Enter Program Name prompt.
  3. At the “Enter File Name” prompt, type the file name that matches which one you are sending out (see below), then click the OK button.
  4. If you selected a flexible date file, you will be prompted for the start and end dates of the sale.
  5. Any products that are in the catalog and not in your inventory will open the IVM “Add” screen. Add the missing product(s) to your inventory. The catalog’s promo code, start date, end date, and sale price will be set for all the products in the catalog.
  6. If IVPROMO doesn’t do anything, make sure you copied/extracted the files from the current file to your BOOK folder.

Current file names to choose from for the IVPROMO program…

  • M-JUN-R.TXT = Summer Catalog (Regular)
    (24-May-2021 thru 26-Jun-2021)
  • M-JUN-RF.TXT = Summer Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-MAY-R.TXT = Spring Catalog (Regular)
    (5-Apr-2021 thru 22-May-2021)
  • M-MAY-RF.TXT = Spring Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-MAY-C.TXT = Spring Catalog (Conservative)
    (5-Apr-2021 thru 22-May-2021)
  • M-MAY-CF.TXT = Spring Catalog (Conservative/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-APR-R.TXT = Easter/Spring Flyer (Regular)
    (15-Mar-2021 thru 15-May-2021)
  • M-APR-RF.TXT = Easter/Spring Flyer (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)

If you have any problems downloading the file or getting the file to process from within IVPROMO, please let us know.

Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)

RMS Version 8.11J Program Changes on the 2nd Quarter 2021 Update

The quarterly update disc you receive from BSMGR for RMS contains a current copy of the Christian Books & More® database, new images, music samples, and program changes. Remember to run IVDC after installing your update to reflect retail price changes for your store’s inventory items. When that program completes, you can use IVL to print labels with the new prices. For your convenience, the RMS program changes included with this update are listed below.

The price files for currently active Munce sales catalogs are included on this update.

If you are sending out one of these Munce catalogs to your customers, you can run “IVPROMO” in BSMGR and enter the appropriate file name.

Remember you can download the current Munce catalog price files by clicking the link below and extract the files into your BOOK folder.

As a reminder, the program will check your inventory file for the following:

  • If you are missing products from the catalog, the program will prompt you to add them, pulling basic information (title, author, retail, etc.) from the Christian Books & More database.
  • Once missing products have been added to your inventory file, the program will set up the following for all the products in the catalog file:
    » Sale price; » Sale start date; » Sale end date; » Promo code.

Enhancements and Changes for 8.11

NOTE: Some program changes require registering a new control. BSMGR should notify you the first time you run it on each workstation and automatically handle this. If you have any issues with sending emails from within BSMGR after installing the update, please submit a ticket using SPT or you can call us or email us at


Please contact us if you experience problems installing your update.

Remember, you can view program enhancements and fixes as well as other emailed communications from Bookstore Manager at

For your convenience, you can click here to view a current copy of the End-User License Agreement with the current maintenance fees and warranty information.

Munce 2021 Spring Catalog Files

If you are sending the Munce 2021 Spring Catalog, please download and process the data file that will prepare your inventory.

  1. Get the current Munce catalog files….
    • Version 8.11 (and earlier) – You can download the Zipped catalog data files by clicking here.
      When the download completes, open the Zip file and extract/copy the files to your BOOK folder.
    • Version 9.00 – At Enter Program Name, enter “SCHEDULE” and click the “Check for Regular Updates Now” button. This will download the current database files and new Munce catalog files. (If this feature has not been disabled in SCHEDULE, you should automatically get the files tonight.)
  2. In BSMGR, run “IVPROMO” at the Enter Program Name prompt.
  3. At the “Enter File Name” prompt, type the file name that matches which one you are sending out (see below), then click the OK button.
  4. If you selected a flexible date file, you will be prompted for the start and end dates of the sale.
  5. Any products that are in the catalog and not in your inventory will open the IVM “Add” screen. Add the missing product(s) to your inventory. The catalog’s promo code, start date, end date, and sale price will be set for all the products in the catalog.
  6. If IVPROMO doesn’t do anything, make sure you copied/extracted the files from the current file to your BOOK folder.

Current file names to choose from for the IVPROMO program…

  • M-MAY-R.TXT = Spring Catalog (Regular)
    (5-Apr-2021 thru 22-May-2021)
  • M-MAY-RF.TXT = Spring Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-MAY-C.TXT = Spring Catalog (Conservative)
    (5-Apr-2021 thru 22-May-2021)
  • M-MAY-CF.TXT = Spring Catalog (Conservative/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-APR-R.TXT = Easter/Spring Flyer (Regular)
    (15-Mar-2021 thru 15-May-2021)
  • M-APR-RF.TXT = Easter/Spring Flyer (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-MAR-R.TXT = Easter Sale Catalog (Regular)
    (1-Mar-2021 thru 3-Apr-2021)
  • M-MAR-RF.TXT = Easter Sale Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-MAR-C.TXT = Easter Sale Catalog (Conservative)
    (1-Mar-2021 thru 3-Apr-2021)
  • M-MAR-CF.TXT = Easter Sale Catalog (Conservative/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)

If you have any problems downloading the file or getting the file to process from within IVPROMO, please let us know.

Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)

Munce 2021 Easter Sale Catalog and Flyer

If you are sending the Munce 2021 Easter Sale Catalog or Flyer, please download and process the data file that will prepare your inventory.

  1. Download the Zipped catalog data files by clicking here.
  2. When the download completes, open the Zip file and extract/copy the files to your BOOK folder.
  3. In BSMGR, run “IVPROMO” at the Enter Program Name prompt.
  4. At the “Enter File Name” prompt, type the file name that matches which one you are sending out (see below), then click the OK button.
  5. If you selected a flexible date file, you will be prompted for the start and end dates of the sale.
  6. Any products that are in the catalog and not in your inventory will open the IVM “Add” screen. Add the missing product(s) to your inventory. The catalog’s promo code, start date, end date, and sale price will be set for all the products in the catalog.
  7. If IVPROMO doesn’t do anything, make sure you copied/extracted the files from the current file to your BOOK folder.

Current file names to choose from for the IVPROMO program…

  • M-APR-R.TXT = Easter/Spring Flyer (Regular)
    (15-Mar-2021 thru 15-May-2021)
  • M-APR-RF.TXT = Easter/Spring Flyer (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-MAR-R.TXT = Easter Sale Catalog (Regular)
    (1-Mar-2021 thru 3-Apr-2021)
  • M-MAR-RF.TXT = Easter Sale Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-MAR-C.TXT = Easter Sale Catalog (Conservative)
    (1-Mar-2021 thru 3-Apr-2021)
  • M-MAR-CF.TXT = Easter Sale Catalog (Conservative/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)
  • M-FEB-R.TXT = Winter Sale Catalog (Regular)
    (1-Feb-2021 thru 27-Feb-2021)
  • M-FEB-RF.TXT = Winter Sale Catalog (Regular/Flexible)
    (Flexible dates – you set when running IVPROMO)

If you have any problems downloading the file or getting the file to process from within IVPROMO, please let us know.

Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)

RMS Version 8.11i Program Changes on the 1st Quarter 2021 Update

The quarterly update disc you receive from BSMGR for RMS contains a current copy of the Christian Books & More® database, new images, music samples, and program changes. Remember to run IVDC after installing your update to reflect retail price changes for your store’s inventory items. When that program completes, you can use IVL to print labels with the new prices. For your convenience, the RMS program changes included with this update are listed below.

The price files for currently active Munce sales catalogs are included on this update.

If you are sending out one of these Munce catalogs to your customers, you can run “IVPROMO” in BSMGR and enter the appropriate file name.

Remember you can download the current Munce catalog price files by clicking the link below and extract the files into your BOOK folder.

As a reminder, the program will check your inventory file for the following:

  • If you are missing products from the catalog, the program will prompt you to add them, pulling basic information (title, author, retail, etc.) from the Christian Books & More database.
  • Once missing products have been added to your inventory file, the program will set up the following for all the products in the catalog file:
    » Sale price; » Sale start date; » Sale end date; » Promo code.

Enhancements and Changes for 8.11

NOTE: Some program changes require registering a new control. BSMGR should notify you the first time you run it on each workstation and automatically handle this. If you have any issues with sending emails from within BSMGR after installing the update, please submit a ticket using SPT or you can call us or email us at











Please contact us if you experience problems installing your update.

Remember, you can view program enhancements and fixes as well as other emailed communications from Bookstore Manager at

For your convenience, you can click here to view a current copy of the End-User License Agreement with the current maintenance fees and warranty information.

Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)