Periodic Programs to Run in Bookstore Manager RMS
As we approach the end of the year, there are some programs you may want to consider running to prepare for the new year.
APHU – Vendor History Update (Platinum users only)
• The APHU program moves year-to-date totals spent with each vendor to last year’s totals.
• The information shows on APM.
• This program is usually run in late December.
APVE – Vendor Invoice Edit/Delete
• Drops Accounts Payable invoices/credit memos that have been paid from 1 to 60 months, as set up in SYS | Config File | Change Misc. Configurations | # 3000.
ARHU – Customer History Utility
• The “Delete History” option deletes Accounts Receivable history prior to the date entered.
BVH – Rental/Library History Roll
• This program zeroes out current period rentals.
• Total rentals and total fees are not affected.
IVD – Delete Old P.O. #’s
• Deletes purchase orders by date.
• Deletes old purchase orders dated prior to the date entered.
IVSD – Delete Special Orders
• You specify the number of days to keep (up to 999).
• You specify (by status) which will be deleted. Options are “Received”, “Shelved”, “Picked Up”, “Unavailable” and “Shipped”.
MLD – Delete Customer by Date
• You can identify up to three customer types that will not be deleted. By default, churches (Customer Type “C”) will not be deleted.
• All other customers with a “last activity date” prior to the deletion date will be removed.
MLUL – Mailing Utilities
• The “History Roll” option moves current purchase totals and current transactions to last year’s purchase/transaction totals. Total purchases/transactions are not affected.
• The “Purge Tracking Detail” option will remove tracking records older than the input date.
SLTD – Transaction Deletions
• Since transactions saved for viewing through the SLTR program use up to 75 lines per transaction, you may periodically need to run this SLTD program to clear the file of older transactions.
Remember, you can use the SCHEDULE program to automate some of the periodically run programs. You will need to have SCHEDULE run from the Windows Task Scheduler.
For example,
- You need to consistently back up your store’s data. If enabled, the SCHEDULE program will do three backups.
- Up to 31 days of archives. This allows you to undo a mistake up to a month after the fact.
- Copy all BSMGR files to another computer. This other computer can be quickly changed to become a temporary server if the main server fails.
- Copy all BSMGR files to a removable backup device (normally a USB flash drive). This gives you an off-site backup in case your computers are stolen or damaged by flood or fire.
- You should run IVT daily to have a historic snapshot for comparing inventory totals.
- You can choose to have your inventory history rolled weekly and/or monthly.
- You can have IVD run every week.
- You can update the RFM (Recency/Frequency/Monetary) ranking of all customers.
- You can get database updates every night.
- You can submit sales data to EOI so you can take full advantage of the Best Seller data from IVDI.
For help adding SCHEDULE to the Windows Task Scheduler, click the appropriate link below. You only need to set this up on one computer per location (normally the server).
Please contact us if you have any questions or need help getting SCHEDULE set up.
Remember, you can view ECN notices and other emailed communications from Bookstore Manager at
Your BSMGR Support Team | (800) 997-6724 (option 2)