CPE 2017 Hershey Invitation – Workshops, Training, Devotions, Worship and Movies in PA

You are invited to join us February 5-7, 2017
at the Christian Product Expo (CPE) in Hershey, PA.
We will be in Booth #25.

What will I get from CPE? Experience workshops, training, author signings, devotions, peer networking, worship, and fellowship. Plus, you can hear a musical showcase during the banquet on Monday, followed by a special movie premiere. Check out the full schedule below.

Who should attend CPE? This show is specifically geared towards the Independent Christian Retailer.

Does BSMGR have show specials for CPE?  Yes! You must commit at the show or during the show week, whether or not you attend CPE.

  • $500 off RMS Platinum (single user or more – with BSM Processing)
  • $250 off RMS Gold (2-user or more – with BSM Processing)
  • qScan Mobile Inventory – $100 off (single user or more)
  • Email Marketing – No sign-up fees + One month free (the first month will be billed and credited upon sign-up)
  • Switch to Bookstore Manager CC Processing – Get one free credit card reader w/BSM processing ($290 value)

Do I have to be a member of the Munce group to attend? No. ALL independent Christian retailers are invited and encouraged to attend.

What does it cost to attend? There is no registration fee to attend the show, and this is the only show that provides a generous reimbursement plan for your expenses.

Pre-Register by 20-Jan-2017, order from 30 exhibitors AND experience a product presentation from 15 others to receive:

  • All meals FREE for two people from your store.*
  • All training FREE.
  • Up to 2 nights at Hershey Lodge.*
  • Up to $100 travel allowance (airfare or mileage).*
  • Entered into the Cash Prize Drawing!

* Click here to see the Hershey 2017 Reimbursement Details form for instructions and limitations.
Did you know that on average more than half of the CPE attendees have qualified for full reimbursement?

The Pre-Registration deadline (to qualify for the maximum reimbursement) is January 20th.
Visit www.cpeshow.com to register today!

Featuring the following Artists and Authors

Charles Billingsley

Danna Gresh

Stephen Arterburn

Sunday, February 5th
9:00am-6:00pm Registration Open
9:00am-Noon Retail Refresh Boot Camp – Training for New and Seasoned Retailers
2:00pm-4:00pm Bookstore Manager Training
2:00pm-4:30pm Retail Training
4:30pm-5:30pm Author/Artist Personality Party – Meet/Greet/Signings
6:00pm-10:00pm Sunday Dinner at 6pm followed by the Super Event!
Monday, February 6th
7:00am-6:00pm Registration Open
7:00am-8:15am Breakfast/Devotions
8:30am-9:45am Retailer Training and Roundtables
10:00am-6:00pm Exhibit Hall Open (Bookstore Manager in Booth #25)
Noon-1:00pm Complimentary Buffet Lunch Served in the Exhibit Hall
6:30pm-7:45pm Banquet and Showcase
8:00pm-10:00pm Movie Premiere – TBD
Tuesday, February 7th
7:00am-1:00pm Registration Open
7:00am-8:15am Breakfast/Devotions
8:30am-Noon Exhibit Hall Open (Bookstore Manager in Booth #25)
Noon Cash Prize Drawings!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Your BSMGR Sales Team
sales@bsmgr.com | (800) 997-6724 (option 1)

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